Press Room

Hygiene: It’s Not Just for Data Anymore

Tis the season. Flu season, that is. I just read a company blog about a viral epidemic that spread like a juicy rumor through ADI late last year.  Although it was an amusing article, I doubt that the victims of “The Sick” were amused.   Read that blog. Despite the odds, you can stay healthy and […]

What do you do to prevent or overcome that 2:30 feeling?

Nearly 10 years ago, a product was developed that has been marketed so effectively that many consumers have utilized it with incredible regularity. I can remember the advent of Red Bull, Go Fast, and XS energy drinks. Then, 5 hour energy seemingly came out of nowhere 5 or 6 years ago to give an energy […]

Freight Consolidation for Big Savings!

OK, I agree this is not a sexy topic.  How about, “Save hundreds of thousands of dollars per year!”? Our research to compare other vendors against our current logistics (freight) vendor began by identifying 13 logistics companies who transport mail to postal facilities across the country.  After receiving responses to our Requests For Information we […]

Testing a new Direct Mail Campaign? Think like a restaurant owner!

I’ve always thought that successful direct marketing testing was similar to cooking good food at a restaurant. You may think I’ve lost it, but just think about how restaurants go about compiling their menu: The recipe for each item begins with an idea or hypothesis.  This may be something completely new or just a slight […]

The Five Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace

Do you feel appreciated by the people you work with?  If so, then you probably enjoy going to work each day.  However, if you do not feel appreciated, then your work may simply be a means of keeping food on the table. These are the opening sentences of Gary Chapman’s book, “The Five Languages of […]

Innovation: Getting the most out of your thinking

Consider these words: Inspiration, Innovation, Ideas, Generative, Proactive, Association, Creativity. We’ve all had those “Ah Ha!” moments when we’ve worked and worked on something, and “Ah Ha!”. So, how can we have more of those times and can we have more of those times in team meetings? How can we generate and capture more great […]

Raving Fans

What is a “Raving Fan”? For most of us, it brings to mind images from snowy Super Bowls with shirtless fans (some who just shouldn’t be) in the stands, painted with their team’s colors from the waist up. Maybe we think of that guy who got a tattoo of Taco Bell because he’s loco for […]

Mail – Your Only Friend in a World of Spam

The 2013 NPF was kicked off in style by the PMG Pat Donahoe to a packed house in lovely San Francisco. The PMG’s message is not subtle, and he boldly makes his case that mail is personal and different from the many other communication channels that vie for your attention. “People still make time and […]

7 Most Overlooked Mistakes Before Sending Your Files to Print

The perfect printed piece doesn’t start with the printer, it starts with you… the designer. There is nothing like the feeling you get after receiving your printed pieces back from a printer, and seeing the perfectly finished piece. The colors are exactly what you wanted them to be, the registration is in perfect alignment and […]