Press Room

SOC2, no it’s not the argyle one you’ve been missing

Many of our clients are marketers. We work closely with CMOs, marketing directors and other direct marketing professionals. Recently, many of them have been approached by folks “on the other side of the building” with unusual questions about vendor compliance. These questions typically involve a request for vendor partner reports with strange acronyms and funny […]

The Secret Sauce

It happened again last week. We were in our “discovery” phase with a new client. The analysis had reached the stage where we were discussing postage optimization on their direct mail program. Then, that famous line surfaced once again. It goes something like this… “I don’t think we need to spend much time in this […]

$200,000 Postage Savings

Proactive Savings Analysis Results in Tremendous Postage Savings! The Scenario: A prominent telecommunications provider (hereout referred to as “Telecomm”) frequently uses direct mail to reach current customers, new movers and prospects. While there are no significant service problems with their mail vendor, they are moving to a different advertising agency.  Telecomm’s previous direct mail vendor […]