Data and the Rolling Stones

We just couldn’t resist highlighting the article “How to Rock the Data You Have” included in this month’s issue of Direct Marketing News for several reasons.  It obviously references the Rolling Stones mega hit “You Can’t Always Get What You Want,” and with our full-service direct marketing capabilities, you can “get what you need” from your data.  The article really resonated with us so we thought we would add a little Rock n Roll to this month’s newsletter.

For those of us in the Direct Marketing business, we know that collecting the right data and interpreting it correctly makes all the difference in the success of a direct mail campaign. In fact, it is the most important element driving responses.  There are several things that go into developing a successful direct mail piece like promoting the right message, having an awesome design and captivating wording.  However, without accurate data a remarkably designed, well-written piece suddenly becomes worthless.  That’s right; it is just not worth sending if it does not land in the target audience’s hands.  We know that if a client spends their money on a captivating direct mail piece but does not have an accurate and clean mailing list, the amount of undeliverable mail and incorrect information will prohibit the message from ever reaching its intended audience.  Also, if data is not utilized to measure and track the results of a direct mail campaign, you will never know how successful it truly was or what to alter for the next promotion.  The old saying, “you can’t manage what you can’t measure” is certainly applicable to direct mail programs.  Fortunately, there are a number of things that can be done before and after you mail to make sure your data is up to par.

Below are a few data Do’s and Don’ts described in the article that outlined how marketers can make the most of their data.


  • Ensure that your data is accurate – When building a comprehensive database, compile all customer data into a single warehouse and before consolidating, be sure it has been matched, merged, and cleansed. Not only do you need the right tools to make this happen, but you also need the right help. Enlist a knowledgeable data steward, (that’s us) to be responsible for keeping the data clean, concise, and up to date.
  • Measure revenue and engagement – Profit is the ultimate goal but engagement metrics can be a proxy for long-term success by determining whether consumers like a service and want to continue to use it.
  • Engage data experts – Involve data experts early (that’s us again) in your campaign process and work collaboratively on solutions. Often times Marketers and data analysts come from different perspectives but both bring something value to the table.
  • Share failures – No one wants to admit that their data analysis wasn’t as telling as they’d hoped. But sharing failures is crucial to learning.  Collaborate with other departments, such as IT, to develop skill sets and help others understand challenges that the marketing team is trying to solve.


  • Collect data without a purpose – It doesn’t make sense to capture and collect data without some sense of what you’re going to do with it.  Consider outlining objectives before collecting data and focus on solving a problem or achieving a business goal.
  • Expect the data to interpret itself – Data itself is inert and it doesn’t say anything all by itself.  When trying to tell a fact-based tale it often starts with conditionals. Having the assistance of a skilled analyst will be very helpful at various stages of the direct mail process.
  • Improperly set up your A/B tests – When comparing results of two variants (or samples), it’s important to compare data samples from the same populations and time periods.  For example, when determining a new message’s effectiveness, you shouldn’t compare responses from engaged and unengaged consumers.

To read the full article visit

If you do not have the full capabilities to address these items in-house, a great direct mail partner can certainly help out.  Our expert data marketing team at Advanced Direct has more than 25 years of expertise.  We can work closely with you to make sure that you always get what you need from your data and all your direct mail efforts.